Saturday, February 6, 2010

Northbridge Bakery Tour

There is a place in the city which I believe all cities have; an area populated mainly by Asians. I tend to go there quite often, considering how I am Chinese, but only to hang out with friends and get bubble tea (aka. super asian drinks). However I disregarded the fact that Northbridge also held lots of small shops selling oriental style cakes, buns and desserts, and before that day I had been to lazy to investigate. How wrong was I.

Only when my sister's friend from Brisbane came over for a long awaited visit did my sister and I get up off our computer chairs and take her to the city. She also had a soft spot for asian sweets so that is where we took her. See, it's not only me who is obsessed with this stuff, right?

I will try remember all the places we went to in order, which began with a visit to Regent Cakes.

This was a sneaky picture I took of the bread and bun display they had. Considering how I didn't feel any confused looks in my direction, I would think that they were used to fanatic food bloggers coming to their store. I've yet to try all the buns from this shop but I'm sure I will if I keep coming back at this rate. This time I didn't buy anything but our Brisbane friend bought one of the lovely cake slices on display at the counter. 

Mmm... you're pretty... <3

After walking a bit more we went to find Corica Pastries but it was closed, typical of when we go there. Nevertheless they have the most amazing apple strudel... my mother used to bring it back from work and we'd all feast on large slices of it.

For a treat we took said friend to Icey Ice where they sell the smoothest, fluffiest snowy ice desserts. You'd think that eating shaved ice was boring, but in fact I find the process of eating almost as fun as the consuming part. 
Here we have strawberry at the back, milk with chocolate sauce and green tea at the front. Our friend was hooked at the first mouthful and constantly raved about it our entire trip. The next day we succumbed to temptation and visited again. :)

After the little break we went to Esther's Cake Shop and drooled looked at the selection of breads and cakes. 

Is that actually all covered in mango...? *__*

Getting a bit peckish again (which is completely inevitable on a food tour) we went into another bakery along the same street as Esther's (by the way, all the these bakeries are around the same area, since we walked all the way up the road to each one). Stupidly I'd forgotten to note the name of the shop, probably because I was staring at the cakes in the display again. We all sat down and ate the cakes our friend and I bought.

Oh no the name has deserted me again... I think it was a strawberry cheesecake of some sort? This one was mine and it was lovely, with the cheesecake complimenting the sweet strawberry jam swirls nicely.

This was our friend's, and from the look on her face I'd say she enjoyed it too, except that it was a little too sweet for her taste. 

After our afternoon tea we continued walking through Northbridge until it was about time for dinner. Since we were already in the city we decided to dine at a popular Korean place, Took Begi Restaurant. Unfortunately it ended up being more popular than we first anticipated and we had to wait outside for a while. When we got a seat it was at the window, which allowed the people waiting in line to stare in at our meal and press their faces so close to the glass that it was an invasion of personal space. But nonetheless the food was great, and that was what really mattered anyway.


This was my sister's meal, which was half-frozen noodles in soup. I kept staring at it the entire time, but she reassured me that it was delicious. I guess I'll have to trust her on that because it certainly looks interesting. 

The three of us returned home exhausted and very well fed from a day surrounded by food. I'd suggest to anyone who's maybe in the neighborhood or is deciding to come down to Perth (the isolated city) to visit these places and more. And if anyone has any information on the bakeries or products that I didn't reference please inform me, thanks. :)


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